Friday, September 26, 2014

The Passing of Bear

~~November 22, 2002 - September 26, 2014 ~~
Our Beloved Guardian from April 2005 until his passing. 

Yesterday our dog Bear passed on around 4:30 pm. We have watched as he was preparing to go. We know he as in pain and made him as comfortable as possible. My oldest boys carried him up and down the stairs as necessary for his needs. He no longer negotiated the stairs and was the only dignified way to help him be as comfortable as possible. We buried him on our back forty. Like all living creatures he will give back to the earth and contribute to the betterment of our soil. As I watched my children each taking their time to digest the loss of our friend and defender who has been with us for just over 9 years. John being our sensitive child was most vocal about the affect of this event. He did not want to think about it and wanted desired distraction. Edward being the stoic young man decided he was ok, but wanted to be distracted by hanging out with his friend Teagen. Dorothy being another tender soul did shed tears, but felt as though Bear had been walked to the other side and knew he was there. Joseph the oldest carried Bear to the planned spot after he had passed. He admitted difficulty while taking to his final resting spot, not wanting him to leave. As a whole we are grateful for the time we had with Bear and happy he is no longer in pain. We appreciate our neighbor who generously helped us bury Bear with dignity and respect. We have a young girl who is very active, but she is her own personality. We know Koka will do her best to fill Bear's shoes. We ask our friends to please call ahead so they can avoid Koka's kisses, unless they want them of course.

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