Thursday, July 15, 2021

Long silence is finally broken

 Yes, I have been inactive and doing my best to deal with life as it has come at me during the pandemic and post pandemic.

Can I tell you I have been blessed by this crazy stressful time..

Yes, blessed.

I have learned some new skills and new things about myself. 

Where to begin that is the question?

In the last year I saw a new beautiful grand-daughter added to our first grand-daughter.

Her name comes from the game Zelda.... YES seriously and the son and his wife went back and forth over which one of the names would be first and middle. After family poll, The wife won. 

I will do post on that later. (No not a year later, sooner.)

We have also seen children transition out of our home to be one their otherwise. Though it was not on the best terms. I wish them well and pray for their success. I love them with all my heart. I even miss the dog too.

We have a daughter who ahs been through life changes. She was able to go to Korea and stay for a time to experience the culture and come back with great experiences. She dated once she got back and it was decided not to continue after a while. It was totally a blessing, even though she was so broken hearted at first. 

But Heavenly Father had prepared the perfect man for her, just like he did for me.

She and her husband tied the knot on June 5. I am wiping sweat from my brow and finally able to rest now. She is definitely cherished and loved. I am so grateful for him. 

He is a very sweet young man. He even calls me mom. should I admit it catches me off guard, but in a good way. The tone in his voice is one of love and respect. For that I am grateful. He sees where I am physically and knows what later life may look like with my daughter. She and I are both hyper-mobile and have Ehlers-danlos (a connective tissue difference). But I see the genuine love and caring he ahs for her. I could not have asked for a better Son to add to our clan. 

Then there is the Oldest and the Youngest, still at home. Yep. Still here.

Honestly I do not know what I would do without them to help when I am not feeling well.

The oldest did take some time to work for UPS (Yes the big brown truck company.) and t0ehn after a break for the IRS......Yes those people.... That is not meant to say they are bad, just tax law is confusing. He resigned recently to come back home. For new adventure which I need to wait talking about it. But he is back on Streaming again (Need to add the channel link here- ) Look for NephiteJNF streaming your favorite Pokemon games and others -Please observe which game in the video so you pick one appropriate for the age group.

So where did I go over the last year. 

I started Job hunting the end of the prior year. 

Got offered a few Civil service jobs; but had to turn the first one down due to the physical requirements being too much for me. 

Got offered a second one part-time on call accepted it and I am currently working this one, though due to the situation I could not start working right after I got hired.

Then a week later I was offered temporary term job working the Census. 

YES I am one of those people who was knocking on your door incessantly. 

Please forgive my sin.

Luckily, I was able to finish that up and then transition to the other job. 

Toward the end of last summer, I joined a veterans group and started to learn horsemanship.

This actually another post......

Until next time

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