Friday, April 24, 2015

I strive for and dream of a house of order

I want my house to look like a beautiful house of my friend who seems to keep things up well. I want to improve every room. I hope it will turn out to be orderly, well working and presentable to company always. I desperately yearn and strongly desire to make these changes for my family, my husband, my guests, and most importantly myself. 
I want to expand my potential for becoming a leader that has fruit on the tree.
Self mastery begins with me.

Progress report, we got 8 loads of laundry done, 5 loads put away sorted, 3 loads still need to be, and two more to be washed. This takes care of most of the boys room and the laundry room itself. 

Then of course IT hit me, I have been in bed for two plus daysunable to get up except to go to the bathroom. The coughing has finally eased some, but still there. I need to be careful about activity for a little bit to make sure no rebound happens. I am getting ready as soon as possible to go to my closet.
I had already set all my business clothing in a specific area. I need to go through and see what need to be replaced. I have focused on a lot of classic clothing, because of the timeless nature. The rule is buy better quality and less of it.
These are the shirts: uniform items- scouting and other volunteers organization uniforms, blazers, flannel/ denim work shirts, other business appropriate shirts that can be dressed up or down if needed. They all have collars so it makes one feel professional and ready for business. I will fill this out once my laundry is done. The slacks are on the end and skirts and dresses hang in a another area of my closet. I have totes with those clothes from earlier. These will gone through for relevance and need. I will rotate and make clusters using principles I have gleaned from Judith Rasbands book How to Clothe your Family and website I receive her newsletter and gleaned through all of the archives to understand the concepts she talks about. I have had prior training plus a lot of self study in fashion and dress. 
 There are people who will read and face palm but in all truth, I do know how to dress but there are days I decide to let it all go because I am so stessed out. 

I am making an effort to do better to dress even when I am home. It make me feel better, but I hate to ruin good clothes doing house hold chores. Luckily, clusters includes the out in public wear, not so much the doing painting. And caring for animals chores, garden, etc. That does not mean I get to stay in sweats all day otherwise. OK PJs while sick and in bed yes. Fitness clothing for fitness.

Capsules are closed systems and really are limited. Clusters are open and can be expanded to meet the needs of the individual. 
I will show you what I put together in the future.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Confessions of a Messy Homemaker

Yes, that is me.  You read that right.  

I am a messy homemaker.  

I greet you at the door and close it behind me quick. The kids still have dinner on their t-shirts. Their room is not better homes and garden quality, maybe Junkyard quality.

I have struggled with this for years. I have always done my best to be dressed as I should be for events. 

I have come to the conclusion that self-mastery is s must success.

For me that is mastering my schedule and my home. Here is the inspiration I am taking this from.

  • Doctrine and Covenants 109:8

    8 Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing, and establish a house, even a house of prayer, ahouse of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a houseof God;

    Doctrine and Covenants 88:119

    119 Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a houseof God;

    Doctrine and Covenants 132:8

    8 Behold, mine house is a house of order, saith the Lord God, and not a house of confusion.

    From some other reading I was looking at. First I am going through clothing for myself and my kids. Then Books, Papers, Miscellaneous things, and finally, Sentimental items.  Earlier in the month I had went through my closet and pulled things out. I am going through again and doing the same thing in my closet. I am finding what I love and getting rid of what I do not. I am finding what fits well and then getting rid of what does not. I am looking at doing clusters of clothing as inspired by Judith Rasband. I have training as a former Beauty for All Seasons consultant. My big take away there was learning to flatter my body as it was with line and design.  I plan on taking Judith training as soon as I can, it is not in my business budget currently. But I know it would benefit not only my business, but those whom I serve in the military and in my entrepreneurial ventures to learn more. The Lord will grant me the time and means to do so. 

  • Now for the rest of the house, We have pulled out all of the excess dishes and have a set color for each person. Now we know who is leaving dishes out. I am getting ready to get the Spoon, fork, and knife all-in-one combo to match. I have also pulled all duplicates of other utensils. It seems silly. but we will pack most of this away and pull out only what is needed and after a while we may give it away to our children or save it for big get togethers. We will see....
  • Join me in the challenge of simplifying your life.
  • Update: I am feeling a bit better than I was the last few days had a bit of a cough and sore throat. Thank you oil pulling with Protective blend, oregano and peppermint essential oil. It did not hit hard so I am much happier. I am up and cleaning anyway. I can see my laundry room and where I am starting seeds.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Spring Flu with an Icing of Snow

It has been an interesting Spring to say the least. Tuesday and Wednesday we had snow and high winds. Those High winds about took away our chicken kennel. Though we did lose one of our chickens because it got crushed underneath it when it blew over on her. We have to find a new cover for the kennel and a other way to provide shade and wind break for the chickens. Though I think the standard Haybale will work at this point.

The week or so prior we had lost three hens, then Our Roster was AWOL for three days. We found him a little bit worse for the wear and very hungry hiding in a wood pile. More than likely a Racoon has been picking our coop.

Anyway we started over last year (2014) with 11 barred Rocks and 5 Jersey Giant hens plus a roster. We kept a couple of the old barred rocks a couple of our Americunas, plus a another black hen.
Now the count is
One Barred Rock Rooster
5 barred Rock Hens
4 black Jersey Giants Hens
1 Americuna

Plus our new additions
 6 White Leghorns 'the chicklets' or 'the chicken nuggets'

We will be getting more the end of next month.

We will be building new housing for at least 50, but will probably maintain about 40 max.

Well I guess I should get one with the fun part. It is that time of the year for everyone in the US. Everyones favorite stress day of the year. Well last year was our first year not doing our own taxes and it has been a relief. We just really good communication with our tax man. Though we did not get everything, I know we missed a few things, it is ok.

Then enter My dear husband who has been a bit under the weather for few days. He missed church on Sunday because he was laid up in bed from the CRUDE. I did get to church, but was not feeling up to par because of digestive issues, not the CRUDE. I take Protective Blend religiously to keep my immune system supported and it really helps. He did end up seeing the doctor. Nasty little bacterial/viral thing between the nose/eyes/lungs. But he is seeing and singing pretty good  now.

For the really fun stuff-Edward Turned of age to get his learners permit. As is family tradition we get it on their birthday. He did dine for his first bout out. Just if my neighbors seeing me sticking to the window of the car, he is driving.

Oh, Our Missionary is doing well in Washington Spokane Mission, She keeps telling me it is like a big old slumber party. We love and miss her greatly, only 12 more months...

So now to plant some in the Garden-a blog for another time....

There will be more good news that I cannot release until my husband has made it known.