Last Month was a very good month. I was able to read 12 books and I have chosen aspects of each to apply in my life.
Eat that Frog by Brian Tracy was a habit jogger, which was a prelude to the book that came down on system or monthly subscription.
Get Er Done by Mike Martel this book teaches the basic planning habits taught in the Military. Many of the things he talks about I learned while I was in Reserve Officer Training Corp (ROTC) at Brigham Young University. WE planned exercises or projects from what the goal was outlining the steps and what had to happen from the End to the beginning. Think Covey's Begin with the end in mind. A year later when was a new enlisted soldier on active duty much of what I learned guided how I behaved. Later as I prepared to become a non commissioned officer (NCO) this planning process was taught and practiced in detail in primary leadership development course (PLDC). Those exacting standards and values at times caused me grief, but I knew I needed to act a certain way and I had to stay with my values. It was worth it. I knew I was not liked by all of those I served with but I was respected. That showed later on as I readied to leave the military and head back into Civilian and family life.
The basics are to answer the following questions:
1. What what have I accomplished in the end or what has my team been able to accomplish together?
2. What steps need to be completed in order to reach this goal?
3. When does each step need to done?
4. Who is involved and what tasks or assignments do they have?
After we ask the following questions to evaluate and see how we can improve next time.
1. What was our goal or project?
2. Was it a success? or What did we do right?
3. What could we have done better?
4. Lessons and changes for the next time we participate in this activity.
Believe it or not my husband and I both having been in the Military actually do planning matrices. This simple activity has saved some heartache when it is carried out and followed. When choosing to just fly by the seat of our pants we do pay the price. Not fun and not recommended.
I hope by sharing that you will benefit and use it in your business and personal life.