This year unlike the last one we were able to do some canning putting up some pear juice and tomato sauce. My children were able to participate as they are all old enough to know how to behave as to not get hurt. The boys will do the rest of the tomatoes while Dorothy and I are gone to Convention. Joseph is looking forward to eating the sauce and drinking juice. Now if only I could find some Banana squash and green beans to put up. I will pick up some smaller whole tomatoes after I get back specifically for me to can as pints. I prefer smaller ones for the solo meals I prep when I am sick or do not eat what the family is eating. Whole tomatoes are so easy I figure 49 pints will be enough for me for the year. I can add cooked rice for Rice and tomato soup. I know that simple preparation makes everything easier and more doable. WE are still eating peaches from a couple years ago. They taste really good and have NO added sugar. My sweet aunt taught me that by putting in a peach pit you can preserve the flavor of the peach as if it was just picked, and oh man she is so right. They still taste like the day we got them.
Dorothy is excited to go to convention for the first time, we all learn so much and it is good see friends we have not seen in years. We will get to connect to family as we are staying with them while there. We will bring our own food and have a great time really, we will be just sleeping there because there is so much to do at convention. WE are awaiting the new oils and products they are bringing out this year. I have saved money this time around to buy convention kits and tickets for next year.
We have been so blessed by the LIFE (Living Intentionally for Excellence) business. It has given me tools to help grow my Essential Oil business. It has taught me the corrections I need to make to have great relationships with my family and friends, plus everyone else I associate with. It has had such a great impact on my life literally, helping to strengthen our good marriage into a great marriage. The reading I have been doing has been, well eye opening (that list is updated-I am close to that 52 book goal) because I am thinking through things more carefully, before doing. I hope the changes I am choosing are showing through. I still have things I recognize that when used properly can be quite beneficial. I have learned to see people differently I am focusing on Jesus Christ and learning more of His Gospel. I am learning to be a servant leader. I learned many years ago in ROTC at BYU, that as an officer I was to serve those who I worked with and supervised. even Though I never went to to get a commission and served as an enlisted soldier. I carried that through my service, serving those below me in rank and those above me in rank. I have continued to do so, though not always with the same zeal-sometimes low and sometimes over zealous. I need to keep it even or people get scared off. Yes I am short and small but I know I have scared some really big dudes. I laughed about it when they told me. I do not mean to but when I am sure and have a definite direction I run with it.
All and all it has been a good day. I am so blessed with all I have a great family and wonderful neighbors. I have the desire to serve and help others, I hope to show His countenance in mine.