Wish I knew where to start...
Farm Life....
Well we finally got our bees settled in. they seem to be doing well though we did have some that suffered losses. They will have time to recover this summer.
My husband and kids finished the berry beds we have been working on, it has been a process and test of patience. Fresh raspberries and goose berries sound good.
We just wish we could build our soil faster. We have found there are things within our soil that are not conducive to growing plants. We are going to have to plan on getting an analysis to see of there are any chemical residuals that are stopping our plants from growing and then dying suddenly.
Of the original trees we planted summer 2012 only 1/3 have survived. Sad, but we had made the mistake of buying Zone 5 trees instead of Zone 4 trees. WE have lost our beloved peaches, cherries, and half of our pears. The tree planted in last year are all doing well in spite of goat abuse. Which the goats are doing fine and looking fat in reality, they are really dogs with horns.
Our garden this year will be a box garden with compost from somewhere else due to the poor nature of our soil. We will plant a small garden, enough to eat fresh stuff during the summer. Was hoping for Green beans again love fresh green beans. We are going to play some with a Three Sisters Garden Corn, Beans, and Squash) and the Mittlieder method of gardening. I will do my Square Foot Garden boxes though not 4 x 4's more like 2 x 8's with herbs and some veggies. Should be easy to put those together and getting the mix materials. I figure a bed per person and dog should do it.
We are looking cutting at out those things we feel are just piddling our time away.
In the last General Conference for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in April a Talk
by Linda S Reeve a quote stuck in my mind Some of you have heard me tell how overwhelmed my husband, Mel, and I felt as the parents of four young children. As we faced the challenges of parenting and keeping up with the demands of life, we were desperate for help. We prayed and pleaded to know what to do. The answer that came was clear: “It is OK if the house is a mess and the children are still in their pajamas and some responsibilities are left undone. The only things that really need to be accomplished in the home are daily scripture study and prayer and weekly family home evening.” (Bold added for emphasis)
It took me minute to finally catch my breath, but there it was validation that I did not have to keep the perfect home and do it all. I could still be a good daughter of God, Wife and Mother-because I was taking care of the important things. The important things being prayer and daily scripture study, admittedly we have slacked off on these we are working on building them again. Family Home Evening weekly-we are not traditional Monday Night people. We have our 'Family Quality' time because my husband has a job with hours you all know better than I do...... Wait, you say 'I don't know his Schedule?' Exactly I don't either, we grab Family Time any free moment we can. Currently we are focusing on working together as family and obtaining a self-directed education. A self-directed education is one where you study from the best original and modern sources about a subject and build a knowledge base. Hopefully you have a support group who is studying the same thing. For me this means I am studying how to become a Servant Leader, my study materials come from our Life Leadership subscriptions. Our family has grown so much from listening to the audios, reading the books and attending meetings. I use these to help my family/team members learn new things about themselves and about good business principles. I will have to take time later to tell the story of the research reading I had done before choosing my DBA name and all that I have done since June 2003-the highs and the lows and in between.
My concentration this summer is to grow my Team. A solid foundation is a must, this way our residual income will allow (free him from the bondage of no schedule and no time for family or anything else) my husband to quit his job and work full time in our other business helping improve family and marriage relationships. Yes it is very important for me to do this for him because he has done so much for me. We are making choices to better our lives so that we might one day be able to help others with out the thought of how much it will cost.
I am paying my own way so I can run at my own pace for my race. I want to honor who I am and the kind of Team family I want to work with. It is truly awesome to be a Truman Team member they are very supportive and kind. They give advice and counsel as needed. We can truly work as Team and lift one another up. I know working as a Team we can all become better and succeed together.
The real question is what is more important to you: making more money or making a difference? Either way we can help you improve where you are or look into other options that fit your life, If you are interested Send me a Private message on in google or facebook, See our LIFE tab.