Thursday, March 6, 2014

Reflections From the Books I am Reading

We have started participating Mentoring the Classics with Oliver and Rachel DeMille. Our first read for January/February is John Taylor Gatto's Dumbing Us Down. I decided to start reading Anne Lindbergh's Gift of the Sea, because my husband has Gatto's Dumbing Us Down.

But the way I read is eclectic anyway. I am currently reading 10-15 books in various stages: just started, 20 pages in, half way, or some are read in a day and done with quickly. I will list the books I am reading currently. on another blog page later.

In Gift of the Sea, Anne talks about needing time and space to relax and reevaluate. I know I can empathize. Anyone who has know me for more than 10 years will know there were only two speeds for me: Warp (10) drive and sleep mode. I have had to slow down because of health issues. But I am grateful for the small things I was able to accomplish. My husband would tell you now it is only hyper drive, naps and sleep. I think I am learning to laugh, have fun and not be so serious all of the time. Personality Plus (Littauer) will tell you I am Choleric-Melancholy with a touch a Sanguine and zero Phlegmatic. I am detail oriented, always gathering facts and ask lots of questions. As of the past couple years with our move to the country, I have let things slow down and only have short periods of hyper drive. I enjoy the animals we have and our garden. It gives me time to think, ponder and reflect. In Chapter 3, Anne Lindbergh expresses so beautifully what I feel when I leave our sanctuary behind and enter the bustling world. I know when we leave to go to  a business function they are invigorating, but by the end I long for the peace and quiet of our farm. Believe it or not I miss our children too (Our Penguins=Sanguines). They seem to come alive about 11:30 pm (the time most sane people want to sleep.). But I listen while they talk until I fall asleep or they finish and go to bed, whichever comes first. I finally figured out that Heavenly Father wants me to enjoy the journey not just the reward. This is the key to true peace in Life.

I will have to add what I am learning and insights from the other books I am reading to this post.


My stream of thought seems to be changing lanes and lines of thought as fast as a car zipping around others in traffic during rush hour. Here is the most important thing for today.

First I need to Send my sincere condolences to those in the LIFE community, but most especially Bill Lewis and his Children for the passing of his dear wife Jackie. I know they will sorely miss her, but I will offer hope. She is in a place where pain does not any longer touch her. But she is wrapped in the arms of Heavenly Father's love. She misses you but is with you and watching over you. How can I understand the pain of losing someone you love? I lost someone I loved a long time ago. It was 1991, the week before my high school graduation and finals week. I got news that a young man, I would have literally done anything for, had been killed in a car accident while serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Tempe, AZ. I was crushed and heart broken. I remember going to the funeral and how uplifting it was, because for we remembered Robert was joining his grandfather, Leroy who had been killed during a home robbery the year prior, doing missionary work on the other side. I do know at certain periods in my life since he has come to comfort me at different time periods and I am grateful to know that he does.

I think of when my husband lost his grandmother, Dorothy. Our daughter, Dorothy, who is named after her was so sad and cried. She asked does great-grandma feel pain, is she sad she left? The only comfort I could give her was to go to her room and pray to talk to her great-grandma.  Being a little child who had so much faith knowing she would get to talk to her great-grandma, she went to her room and prayed. She came out a little while later and was not crying or sad. She told us great-grandma said she was happy because with great-grandpa who had passed some years prior, and she no more pain. My daughter gave great comfort to the rest of the family relating that to them all.

I do have a sincere belief in life after death. I know this life is but a flash in our eternal lifetimes. I imagine a string being stretched from one goal post to another a football field. Now pick any place along the that string. Take your thumb and pointer finger- pinch the string. That is your mortal life here on Earth. The rest is where you have lived and in reality those string do not end at the goal post they go on for infinity. I know that Jesus Christ is my Redeemer and Savior. He gave his life for me that I might live again, if I would live his commands to the best of my ability. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and restored the Gospel to this earth in its fullness.  I know the Holy Bible and Book of Mormon are both the word of God. He translated The Book of Mormon through the power of God. It is a Second Testament that Jesus is the Christ and our Redeemer and Savior. I know that we have a living Prophet who is called of God; He leads and guides the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints today, President Thomas S. Monson. I know that all the creation son this earth testify to there being a higher and greater power. 
I know nothing happens in life by chance. I know my introduction to Essential oils was not by chance. It helped me to be able to provide a way for my body to prepare it to repair itself. I know my introduction to Oliver DeMille and TJEd was not by chance in 2000. Because through his Daughter and Son-in-law, Ian and Emma, we were introduced to the LIFE Business May 2013. This has been life giving to my husband he has hope for a better life and being able to help others and preserve freedom. The information received through our subscriptions has been a huge it has changed the way we treat each other and those around us. I only hope I become the woman Heavenly Father wants me to be. I hope I can support and encourage my husband when he is feeling down because of his non-existent work schedule. I will do my best to free him, so he can carry out his purpose helping other people through the healing information LIFE provides. We propose to stand together to help heal marriages and families. We stand together with other religions to preserve our religious freedom. We stand to together with other religions in our belief in our Savior Jesus Christ. I leave this testimony with you. Amen
Sons of Liberty-United We Stand.